Friends of

Aaron Michael

​​​​Out of Town Trotter

Register and show your support while you run/walk wherever you are on Thanksgiving Day! Photos can be shared on our Facebook page!

RESULTS can be found HERE.

THE FAM TURKEY TROT is a family friendly way to kick off your Thanksgiving. Whether you're a competitive runner or you just want to walk with friends and family, the FAM Turkey Trot encourages participants of all abilities. The race takes place at Raccoon River Park in West Des Moines, IA. Your attendance supports families that have lost children due to a fatal diagnosis during pregnancy or complications during pregnancy or birth.


Teams can be set up through the registration site and are encouraged in order to raise funds in memory of a loved one. The team raising the most money has traditionally gone home with a popcorn tin to enjoy with your family.


A raffle will take place in conjunction with the race with tickets going on sale virtually two weeks prior to the event through Thanksgiving at 9am. You do not need to be present to win.

Visit our Facebook page to find the sign-up as well as a list of winners after the race.

Medals (and pies!) will be given to the top male and female finishers.  Medals are also given to the top 2 finishers per age group (16 and under, 17-25, 26-35, 36-45, 46-55, 56+) RESULTS can be found HERE.

Event Day Schedule
8:00 am    Packet Pick-up and Registration begins
8:45 am    Opening Ceremonies
9:00 am    5K Walk/Run
10:30 am  Awards and Prizes

Race Course - Map
The Run/Walk will start and finish at the Cone Flower Shelters at Raccoon River Park. The route follows the gravel bike path around the lake and is not cleared of any ice or snow...for those committed to fun and family on Thanksgiving morning.

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Managing walk up registration
  • Assisting with raffle/t-shirt sales
  • Helping with race set up the morning of the race

Interested in volunteering?


13th Annual Turkey Trot

Thanksgiving Day,  November 28, 2024

Raccoon River Park, West Des Moines, IA