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Founded: 2012
Owner: Mike and Suzy Lowe
The Day that Changed Everything
Time to go to Perinantel Services for what we assumed was a routine ultrasound. Everything looked normal on the screen to us. Heart beating at 163 bpm, baby moving all around. We weren't able to get a good look at Baby Kiwi's face, as he'd come to be known. He seemed content to keep his hand on his nose...
This is God's child. He does not make mistakes. The same God that healed those in the Bible, still heals today. For now I will rest in that assurance. prayer and confidence...
5th Month
Another visit to Dr Hoesberg's to hear about the amnio. I think both Mike and I were not happy we had to go back to recap what we already knew. Again, Dr. Hoesberg was wonderful. Respecting our decision to carry the baby from the beginning and sharing with Mike articles on children with Trisomy 13 that HAD survived..
Friends of Aaron Michael was formed in 2012 after the birth and death of Aaron Michael Lowe on September 18, 2012. Aaron was diagnosed with Trisomy 13, a fatal chromosome disorder in April of 2012. It was the decision of his parents, Mike and Suzy Lowe, to continue the pregnancy and enjoy every day they could have with Aaron.
Though Aaron lived for only 8 hours after he was born, he touched a lot of lives and brought many families together that had experienced the loss of an infant through miscarriage, disease or unexpected death.
It is the goal of the Turkey Trot to bring those family and friends together on Thanksgiving Day to honor and remember the beautiful children that touched our lives in such a big way and to continue to support the SHINE program at Blank Children's Hospital that walks with families facing the death of an infant.