Friends of

Aaron Michael

Sing me to Heaven

The Sing Me to Heaven Foundation was established in 2011 to assist grieving families in Iowa with funeral expenses after the loss of the child. The non-profit organization is the only organization of its kind in the United States and is based out of La Porte City, Iowa.  Initiatives began after Jennifer Mehlert experienced the loss of her daughter, Natalie, in 2010 and was overwhelmed by funeral expenses. Together Jennifer and her mother, Diane McIntosh, are committed to helping Iowa families as they grieve and journey towards healing.  

Mommies with Hope

Mommies with Hope is a biblically-based support group for women who have experienced the loss of a child. We offer monthly HOPE meetings and occasional social outings. In addition, we hold periodic bible studies. We are currently meetings around central Iowa. Whether your loss is recent or abiding, all stages of grief are welcome.

We found it helpful to keep Aaron's memory alive through several of these resources. If you find others helpful, let us know so that we can add them.


  • I Will Carry You: The Sacred Dance of Grief and Joy  by Angie Smith
  • Waiting with Gabriel: A Story of Cherishing a Baby's Brief Life by Amy Kuebelbeck M.A
  • Tear Soup: A Recipe for Healing After Loss by Pat Schwiebert, Chuck DeKlyen and Taylor Bills
  • A Guide for Fathers- When a Baby Dies  by Tim Nelson 

Project 52   

Mission Statement:  Planting seeds of hope, one tree at a time. 

Losing a child is the worst experience a parent can face. As a living memorial to a dear family member lost, we donate and plant trees to the families who have lost a loved one. While our focus is on families who have lost children, we also donate and plant trees for children who have lost parents. While we understand that a tree won’t fill the void of your loss, we do hope as you watch it grow and change with the seasons, that it brings peaceful thoughts of your loved one.

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep

Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep extends our sincerest sympathy to families who are in need of our services. Offering gentle and beautiful photography services in a compassionate and sensitive manner is the heart of NILMDTS. We hope the gift we provide will bring some peace and comfort during this very difficult time.